Our Story

In the Country of Uganda, Did you know that 50% morbidity and Mortality is dominated by communicable diseases. These diseases are Malaria, HIV/aids, TB, and other vaccine preventable diseases.

It is for this reason That Davenport Engineering and Sports Outreach Institute have come together to raise awareness and alleviate human suffering by providing high quality medical care and THE DEEP SPIRITUAL HEALING WE CAN ALL FIND IN CHRIST.


Was born

SO, what is mountains 4 Medicine?

Mountains 4 medicine is an initiative that was started by Davenport Engineering and Sports Outreach with the goal of sustaining the nia davenport medical clinic which provides high quality medical care in hard to reach places. The gospel message from Jesus of restoring hope and transforming lives is being shared in the community through the medical center, serving all who come for help, healing, and care. This August, a team of cyclists will be riding 518 miles in the country of uganda for the purposes of raising awareness and Financial support for the ongoing Sustainability of this medical clinic that will
save thousands of lives!

One testimony of impact has led us to build a permanent place for high quality medical care in Kampala, Uganda.
Hear the testimony by clicking the video below.

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